Thursday, December 26, 2019

Hypertension Is The Medical Term For Having High Blood...

In this project Jose, Diana, Adrian and I were tasked with producing a menu for persons with hypertension and a nut allergy. Hypertension is the medical term for having high blood pressure. One of the main causes of hypertension is a poor diet. It is affected most commonly by high levels of sodium (Pg. 321). To combat high blood pressure, the DASH diet was developed. DASH stands for dietary approaches to stop hypertension. Foods that are recommended to eat while on the DASH diet are whole grains, fruits and vegetables, fat-free or low-fat dairy, lean meat, poultry, fish, nuts, seeds, beans, fats and oils, sweets, and sodium limited to under 2400 milligrams per day (Pg. 322). The only perceivable obstacle for the menu development was the recommendation for nuts. However, the nutrients provided through nuts can be found in other foods like fats and oils and various protein sources. The first item on the menu is a quinoa patty as an appetizer. The dish contains quinoa, carrot, celery, o nion, egg, olive oil, peppers, and a dash of salt. We chose this as our appetizer because it appears to follow the DASH diet quite well. Quinoa is a whole grain; carrots, celery, onions, and peppers represent the fruits and vegetables category; the egg is not a low-fat dairy product, but the amount of egg in the recipe is very minimal; olive oil is a fat and oil, and the quinoa patties are lightly salted in an attempt to keep flavor yet stay under the recommended daily limit. The first entreeShow MoreRelatedHypertension And Its Effects On Hypertension1672 Words   |  7 Pages WHAT IS HYPERTENSION ERICA SAAVEDRA PALM BEACH VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE WHAT IS HYPERTENSION Hypertension, sometimes known as â€Å"Silent Killer† is America’s freighting combative illness we struggle to regulate. Due too many health risk factors, many people are sometimes unaware of hypertension until suffering from severe damaging effects. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Essay on Ben Franklin Early Life - 1685 Words

Ben Franklin: Early Life In his many careers as a printer, moralist, essayist, civic leader, scientist, inventor, statesman, diplomat, and philosopher, for later generations of Americans he became both a spokesman and a model for the national character. He was born in Boston, Massachusetts on Jan. 17, 1706, into a religious Puritan household. His father, Josiah, was a candlemaker and a skillful mechanic. His mother, Abiah Ben’s parents raised thirteen children--the survivors of Josiah’s seventeen children by two wives (#1). Printer Writer Franklin left school at ten years old when he was pressed into his fathers trade. At twelve Ben was apprenticed to his half brother James, a printer of The New England Courant. He†¦show more content†¦They aspired to build their own businesses, insure the growth of Philadelphia, and improve the quality of its life. Franklin led the Junto in founding a library (1731), fire company (1736), learned society (1743), college (later the University of Pennsylvania, 1749), and an insurance company and a hospital (1751). The group also carried out plans for paving, cleaning, and lighting the streets and for making them safe by organizing an efficient night watch. They even formed a voluntary militia (#1). Franklin had steadily extended his own knowledge by study of foreign languages, philosophy, and science. He repeated experiments of other scientists and added his own ideas that led to inventions of the Franklin stove, bifocal eyeglasses, and a glass harmonica. The phenomenon of electricity interested him deeply, in 1748 he turned his printing business over to his foreman, intending to devote his life to science (#5). Experiments he proposed, showed that lightning was in fact a form of electricity. Later that year his famous kite experiment, in which he flew a kite with the wire attached to a key during a thunderstorm, further established that laboratory-produced static electricity was akin to a previously mysterious and terrifying natural phenomenon (#1). He was elected to the Royal Society in 1756 and to the French Academy of Sciences in 1772(#3). His later achievements included formulating a theory of heatShow MoreRelatedBenjamin Franklin Was A Great Impact On Society1249 Word s   |  5 PagesIntroduction Benjamin Franklin was a very important colonist in the Revolutionary War era. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Bob Cratchits family Essay Example For Students

Bob Cratchits family Essay Dickens wanted to put across this idea of rich people being selfish, un-compassionate people. As in Victorian society a blatant social divide of the rich and poor was evident. A sense that people in high society had was that they were more important than those poorer than themselves, and so theyre greed kept their money and anything they had to share was kept to themselves. Dickens also shows the appreciation and happiness of the little poor people had and how infact they were richer in life than the rich people were in their wealth. He uses this with the example to Bob Cratchits family with such remarks as Bob had hugged his daughter to his hearts content. This shows an emotion not seen in the cold-hearted representation of rich people in A Christmas Carol. Similes are another language technique that dickens has developed and used to create a dramatic sense of scrooges character. A simile used to describe scrooge for example is Hard and sharp as flint this gives the impression that scrooge himself is a person with a hard exterior, almost impenetrable for emotion to break through. He is sharp within the sense of his wit, he talks down to those he opposes and with his sharp wit attacks them verbally, such as where he talks to his nephew and says What reason have you to be merry? Youre poor enough this shows the sharpness in his tongue, and the nastiness in his personality. This sort of use of simile gives the reader something to compare scrooge to, and so see deeper into his personality. Here is another simile from the first stave solitary as an oyster an oyster lives on its own at the bottom of the ocean isolated, this idea of loneliness could be linked to scrooge. Oysters are also cocooned within a shell; this connects with the thought of scrooge hiding behind a self indulgent front and not letting anyone in emotionally. Dickens changes his use of simile in the last stave to suit scrooges newly found nice character; this shows a variance between the two opposites in scrooges personality in the two staves. For example, here is a simile that describes scrooge in the last stave I am as happy as an angel that simile sounds very positive in contrast to ones in the first stave. To say hes as happy as an angel links into how before he wasnt happy and his own atmosphere was depressing, but now he is happy and not just happy but as happy as an angelic creature. This shows the reader that scrooge is rejoicing in sight of his own change in character, and how they should feel happy to in response to that. Repetition is another key technique used to dramatically describe scrooges character. A word repeated many times in the first few paragraphs is dead with this an instant negative mood is brought upon the reader. With it repeated so many times it keeps the text itself to a low mood, and with the other language techniques combined it makes the reader grasp the pessimistic atmosphere. The word dead itself could link to scrooge, as scrooge himself could be seen as dead on the inside, due to his complete lack of emotion shown to anything. Repetition is used in the same way in the last stave but in a different meaning, not to severely show the bad atmosphere but to highlight and create a positive atmosphere towards the overall affect on the reader. Here is a word repeated often in the last stave chuckle. This is a cheerful and enthusiastic word that fits in with scrooges new change of character. It makes the reader feel that scrooge is now a humorous person, which he never was before and therefore he has obviously changed. Gulf Waar EssayThis also links to Dickens views on people in high society, he regarded them as selfish and tight people, because during the massive social divide in his lifetime people in rich situations in his opinion were selfish and tight and so to spread his views across he used scrooges character and by showing a beggars negative reaction to scrooge. That shows the divide between the two people, high and low class and a disrespect and tightness from high to low. This makes the reader think that scrooge is a selfish, mean man. Dickens uses scrooges attitude towards others so let the readers form an opinion of how they would react to scrooges character themselves. Scrooges tone and attitude in the last stave reflects his change of character deeply. Because he is of course a changed man his attitude towards others changed also with that. For example as he is asking a young boy to buy him a turkey he says Come back with him in less than five minutes and Ill give you half-a-crown. This shows his newly found generosity, as before he would have never given anything willingly to anyone. This helps towards the reader adjusting their opinion of scrooge, and believes that if he is kind to others he must be a kind and changed person himself. The Young Vic performance showed a modern twist of A Christmas carol. Scrooge was played by a woman in a South African setting, I believe having a woman play scrooge is to show that now that there is a near equality between men and women; women can become in a position like scrooge, have money to themselves and be selfish with it. The story explores Aids, prostitution, poverty etc, this highlighted the contrast between old and modern society by exploring these issues from todays world, this is important because it demonstrates the moral of A Christmas carol in relevance to today. In conclusion I believe the moral behind Christmas carol is that in a social divided community it is important to treat everyone the same. This is shown through scrooges character, and how he treats people somewhat below him in the social hierarchy as a man quite high in society and how he treats them after he has been visited by the spirits. I think that the moral is still of relevance to todays world, although there is a large time difference between now and then there still are social divides throughout society, weather it be financially or through the new celebrity statuss there are or anything else, so it is still important to withhold the belief that everyone has the right to be treated the same, rich or poor, famous or not famous. Equality is something that should be of relevance though any time, weather it is a problem or something newly found, it is an issue and still will be until there is complete equality for all.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

White Privilege The Invisible Knapsack Essay Example For Students

White Privilege : The Invisible Knapsack Essay America is a presumptuous country; its citizens don’t feel like learning any other language so they make everyone else learn English. White Americans are the average human being and act as the standard of living, acting, and nearly all aspects of life. In her essay â€Å"White Privilege: The Invisible Knapsack,† Peggy McIntosh talks about how being white has never been discussed as a race/culture before because that identity has been pushed on everyone else, and being white subsequently carries its own set of advantages. Gloria Anzaldua is a Chicana, a person of mixed identities. In an excerpt titled â€Å"How to Tame a Wild Tongue,† she discusses how the languages she speaks identifies who she is in certain situations and how, throughout her life, she has been pushed to speak and act more â€Å"American† like. We will write a custom essay on White Privilege : The Invisible Knapsack specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now McIntosh’s idea of whiteness as a subconscious race that carries its own advantages can enlighten why Anzaldua feels like she needs multiple languages to identify who she is as a person. McIntosh points out that â€Å"whites are taught to think of their lives as morally neutral, normative, and average, and also ideal† (352).Because of this standard that has been so widely accepted throughout society, people coming to the US experience a feeling of needing to belong, of needing to become the typical white family. Anzaldua and her fellow Chicanos’ experience of being â€Å"required to take two speech get rid of their accents† supports McIntosh’s idea. When students go to school and they have some trait that isn’t â€Å"American,† they are often required to put in extra effort to either change or get rid of that trait, whether it be an accent or belief. Their special traits aren’t celebrated or accepted; they are shunned and frowned upon. ., and those she is talking to shouldn’t feel embarrassed if someone talks to them in a language other than English. There are other inhabitants of this planet we call home. Being white is a subconscious realization; it doesn’t stand out like being black or Asian. The languages spoken by cultures and races around the world help them identify as a group, and whites aren’t always accepting of that. McIntosh addresses that subconscious thinking, and makes the reader think a little harder about their position and how they got there. Anzaldua discusses how language helps her identify as a person. She also touches on the ways she’s been pushed to be either more American or Chicano or Spanish. As today’s world becomes more global and relies more on speaking the same tongue, the core identities the languages represent are becoming less prevalent and more of an added bonus.